I recently visited a resale store that touted by itself as offering designer and namebrand items. While I was browsing, I noticed a wide choice of Louis Vuitton bags and a few Chanel ones. All were initially priced at both $60 or $forty, depending on dimension, and all had since been marked down 50%. When I requested the proprietor whether the bags had been genuine, she stated without hesitation that they had been all phony, and that "some woman had introduced them from New canada goose outlet York." She went on to tell me that she offered everything at 30% of retail cost, and that a Chanel bag would cost a number of hundred bucks in her shop had been it genuine. Clearly, "caveat emptor," "if it's too great to be accurate, it probably is," and all that. But does the customer have a reasonable expectation of authenticity? If her price had been much more in line with what I anticipated, like $300400, could she nonetheless justify selling phony types? Does it matter that she was promoting other items by wellknown "names" at far below thirty% of their retail (ex. a Theory buttondown for probably felt very strongly about Sam's Club selling fake Fendi. Does a consignment store have the exact same obligations towards authenticity? The bags had been not marked as fake, nor were they apparent fakes like, say, this 1. For what it is really worth, I finished up choosing not to purchase anything at the store, simply because I just did not feel comfortable supporting a location that knowingly offered billiga uggs fake bags whilst boasting of its choice of designer apparel. I'm fairly assured that the girl who tipped me off to the shop did not know that she'd bought a Chanel fake, and it bothered me. posted by anjamu to kopior uggs clothing, beauty, style (3 solutions total) It is not authorized (in the United States) to promote counterfeit items. It has as a lot to do with protection of the legitimate canada goose outlet deutschland names as the consumer. 2320, Trafficking in Counterfeit Goods or Services. (I am a lawyer, but I do not signify you, and I am most likely not certified in your jurisdiction. This is not authorized guidance. And so on.) posted by raf at 9:43 PM on August twelve, 2006 The price is irrelevant. The store could be charging 50c or complete recommended retail and it would still be unlawful in most Western countries (and I see from your profile that you are in the US). Yes, the customer most likely would have a 'reasonable expectation of authenticity'. It's possible that even possessing 1 of these items would be unlawful. Reselling noncounterfeit products is probably going to be alright, although, for whatever price the store wants. Garments generally do not come with finish user licence agreements. (ditto raf's disclaimer) posted by A Thousand Baited Hooks at ten:twenty five PM on August 12, 2006 Not authorized in the

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